Customary Land Tenure In Zambia. Although the statistics are conflicting the bulk of Zambias land is held under customary tenure. Of the total land mass of the. Officially 94 of land. Managed centrally by Commissioner of Lands.
Zambias 288 customary chiefs have legally recognized authority over 70-94 of the countrys 752000 km 2 while government leaseholds on state land are restricted to 6 of the country at independence surrounding urban centers and lines of rail with a further 10-20 of the country that may have been converted to leasehold since 1995. Customary and state land Customary land. In terms of classification 15-20 of the land is held under statutory tenure while 80 is still regulated under customary tenure. Community land and natural resources lie at the heart of social political and economic life in much of rural Africa. For instance in western province the Barotse Royal BRE deals with all matters related to land allocation and alienation. Held under statutory tenure leasehold title.
It has looked at the inadequacies of the current land policy as regards customary land and also its bearing on sustainable land management and indeed general improvement of livelihood in these areas.
Traditional land in Zambia has been governed by traditional customs and has generally been accepted to be stable in so far as it has never led to. Of the total land mass of the. Customary tenure and formal title registration. Zambia has a dual land tenure system. Customary land is held in. Under the 1995 Land Act and Constitution all land in Zambia vests in the President.