File Aid Selection Criteria. O Runs as a single dialog under ISPF - uses menu-driven full-screen interactive ISPF-like displays - has user defined PF. Apply a COBOL or PLI layout to a dataset and reformat the layout as required. They are used to identify the right person for the role. The Easiest and Coolest way to locate bad data is thru File-Aids FIND command.
Selection criteria are a crucial and integral. Browse datasets using File-AID. File-AIDEX provides a standardized approach to managing data from multiple databases and file types gives users the tools they need to effectively work with data and increases productivity all without prerequisite training or expertise. 3Use FMT mode 4Then issue F field-name INVALID or F field-number INVALID The control will take you to the first invalid data record for the given field. The fields I want to keep show up when I do DISPLAY 2431333839105 ONLY when building the selection criteria but when I submit the job to print to a file ALL the fields are being written to the file. Learn how and where you can use selection criteria selection criteria actions options saving and applying selection criteria in File-AID.
Populate a dataset by copying or extracting data from sequential or VSAM datasets.
OPTION 6 - EDIT SELECTION CRITERIA. In addition to my values I am selecting I am also doing a DISPLAY of the fields I want to keep. TIP 7 FILEAID Consider this situation. Learn how and where you can use selection criteria selection criteria actions options saving and applying selection criteria in File-AID. 1 BROWSE - Display file contents PF KEYS - 12. Selection Criteria are the desired skills and abilities a job applicant needs to be able to demonstrate to be considered for a position.