What Is The Meaning Of Civilization. The figurative use of cradle to mean the place or region in which anything is nurtured or sheltered in its earlier stage is traced by the Oxford English Dictionary to Spenser 1590. Human society with its well developed social organizations or the culture and way of life of a. An example of civilization is the Mesopotamian civilization. Civilization builds on our only real biological advantage – intelligence and rationality.
Civilization is described as a process of civilizing or say developing the state of human society to the extent that the culture industry technology government etc. Popular usage defines civilization along these lines. How to use civilization in a sentence. For the most part civilization is used to describe societies that are urbanized and hierarchical. History of the idea. A civilization is generally defined as an advanced state of human society containing highly developed forms of government culture industry and common social norms.
The future of mankind is civilization.
Society communal action social sharing socialism and ultimately. An example of civilization is an industrial society that has arts sciences and machines such as cars. The stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained. Of course I should point out that significant is relative the audience. Perhaps the best place to start would be to consult the oracle of oracles the palantir of all palantiri by which of course I mean Wikipedia. Civilization builds on our only real biological advantage – intelligence and rationality.